18 feb 2011

Seminario de Gestión del Diseño. Seminar on Design Management

EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT es un programa formativo impartido íntegramente en inglés y está dirigido a las nuevas demandas del mercado laboral. Está constituido por dos partes complementarias: un proyecto multidisciplinar supervisado elaborado por equipos internacionales, y seminarios intensivos orientados al desarrollo de las llamadas "soft skills".
El seminario intensivo sobre Gestión del Diseño se presenta de la siguiente manera:


Design management is a recently new discipline emerged from the need to strenght and optimize the coordination between companies strategies with designers tasks.
Design management tasks go from design trends analysis, design policy definition, design brief elaboration, design program execution and project management. Therefore this role is not only carried out by designers, but  by people comming from different disciplines, and usually from marketing or engineering.
The course is edited by the Chair Professor Gabriel Songel, International member of the Industrial designers of America, and academic member of the Design Management Institute, with wide experience in design of new products and its marketing. He is founder partner of INNOAREA, a strategic design consultancy company where placement and interships can be done along and after this course.

Introduce design management approach to those students comming from different fields related to companies: engineers, business administration, marketing, industrial designers or fine arts.

 Managing human resources. 34 hours
  • Team building: transcultural resources.
  • Communicaction skills.
  • Motivation and creativity.
Managing design concepts. 40 hours

  • Universal principles of design: design for non designers.
  • Design and innovation: trends and paradigms.
  • General concepts of Design Management: strategic and operative approach.
  • Case study: IGD/UPV experience with Ikea, Ford, Chicco, Lego, Techno Iris, Gigo.
 Managing projects. 26 hours
  • Project management: proposals elaboration and project development.
  • Optimization: problem solving skills.
 Managing culture.
  • Spanish language and spanish culture.
  • Technical spanish.
  • Visits: companies, events, festivals, etc.
 Design Management project
A group project will be developed according to the number and background of participants. In any case the project will be focused on a New product brief, and it will consist on three main parts:
  • Identification of a market niche.
  • Identification of a consumers or users needs.
  • Description of the new product or service brief.
  • Develop a business plan.

Students in their last year of their carreer are invited to participate in this practical course with international involvement and innovative approach.
Student from engineering, marketing, business administration or industrial design and fine arts are wellcome to generate a creative, transcultural and multidisciplinar group.

For this seminar, application is still open. We start on 23rd March. See EIM Design Management

16 feb 2011

Exposición Empresa Diseño innovación. Exhibition Business Design Innovation

Inicia la itinerancia de la exposición Empresa Diseño Innovación.
Dada la satisfacción de las empresas que participaron en la Exposición Valencia Diseño Innovación y las solicitudes por diferentes instituciones que apreciaron su valor didáctico, iniciamos la itinerancia por diferentes campus universitarios en España. Empezaremos en la Universidad Pública de Navarra en el campus de Tudela el 18 de abril.
La reunión de aprobación del proyecto expositivo se realizó en el espacio para la innovación que dispone Fermax. Entre la gentileza de su gerente, Fernando Maestre, en cedernos esta magnífica sala, la amabilidad del personal de Fermax, y la buena predisposición de las demás empresas asistentes, se creó un ambiente de colaboración estupendo. Considero que es un ejercicio ejemplar de creación de sinergia propuesto desde el Grupo de Investigación y Gestión del Diseño IGD e Innoarea Design Consulting, y amplificado por los intereses comunes de las empresas participantes. Con esta iniciativa se va perfilando una red de colaboración entre empresas innovadoras en la que participan Fermax, Logopost, Emuca, DAS Audio, Etra, Micuna, Mercadona, Gamesa, PuntMobles, Gandía Blasco, Antares, Banak, Siliken, Alvento, Boreal, Porcelanosa y Bancaja.
Puedes seguirnos en facebook: Empresa Diseño Innovación
La exposición está disponible para universidades y cualquier institución que promueva el diseño y la innovación con sala de exposición de 200 a 300 metros cuadrados.
Interesados en más información contactar con innoarea@gmail.com

Starts the exhibition Business Design Innovation.
Due to the satisfaction among the companies that participated in the former exhibition Valencia Design Innovation and the demands from different institutions because its didactic value, we start the program of exhibitions in different university campus in Spain. The first destination will be Universidad Pública de Navarra in its campus at Tudela on the 18th april.
The meeting for the approval of the exhibition project was held on the space for innovation that Fermax has in its building. Its CEO Fernando Maestre was very gentle in offering the space, its personnel was really friendly and the good mindset of the companies created a great atmosphere for collaboration. I think it has been a good demonstrative excercise of sinergy proposed from the IGD Design Research and Management Group and Innoarea Design Consulting but amplified by the common interest of the participant companies. With this iniatiative we are starting a collaboration network of innovative companies such as Fermax, LogopostEmucaDAS AudioEtra, MicunaMercadonaGamesaPuntMoblesGandía BlascoAntaresBanak, SilikenAlventoBorealPorcelanosa and Bancaja.
You can follow us at Business Design Innnovation
The exhibition is available for universities and any other institution of design and innovation promotion with an exhibition hall from 200 to 300 squared meters.
For more information contact to innoarea@gmail.com

7 feb 2011

Feria del Juguete Nuremberg 2011. Toy Fair Nuremberg 2011

Cayro ha presentado la línea de juegos de ingenio Reflex Games. El objetivo era testar el interés por distribuidores españoles y extranjeros, especialmente franceses y alemanes. Efectivamente la línea ha tenido muy buena aceptación por lo que se refleja en las peticiones de muestras por unos y otros.

Cayro has presented the product line of brainy toys called Reflex Games. The aim was to test the interest of spanish and foreign distributors, specially french and german companies. In fact, the line has been well acepted as far as orders of samples have been received.

Gigo lanza la línea de productos Small Green Science. Son seis presentaciones de diferentes temas de jugar a construir experimentos científicos de energías renovables solar y eólica, de reciclaje o de observación a la naturaleza. Ha tenido muy buena acogida por los socios alemanes, japoneses y norteamericanos por la optimización en cada caja del número de piezas, el número de experimentos y el precio final. Por otra parte, las piezas de Gigo han tenido una buena representación en las exposiciones internas de la feria como Toys go green que coincide con la estrategia de la empresa de Taiwan, y que incluso han sido seleccionados y nominados para los premios de innovación por las pilas de hidrolisis.

Gigo has launched the product line Small Green Science packages. They are six presentations of different issues to play to construct scientific experiments of renovable energies, like solar power or wind power, recycling and nature observation. They have been very well acepted by german, northamerican and japanese partners due the optimization in each package of the number of pieces, the number of experiments and the final price. On the other hand, Gigo pieces had had a good representation in the internal exhibitions of the fair like "Toys go green" that coincidices with the strategy of the taiwanese company, and even, they have been selected and nominated for the toy innovation awards for the hydrolysis batteries.

Ole Poulsen y Tine Kjær de Madhouse han presentado el nuevo sistema de construcción XPlug hecho por Giochi Preziosi. Es un sistema de placas que se enganchan y articulan creando infinitos escenarios de una manera muy rápida. Suerte a esta iniciativa planteada por la empresa danesa a la gran juguetera italiana y ya cuarta empresa europea.

Ole Poulsen and Tine Kjær from Madhouse have presented the new construction sytem Xplug made by Giochi Preziosi. It is a system of plates that can be connected and articulated to create infinite scenarios in a very quick way. Good luck for this initiative started up from the danish company to the great italian company, that now-a-days, it is the fourth european company.