Design trends for kids 2014
Tendencias Diseño para niños 2014
es un resumen de las tendencias observadas en la feria Kind+Jugend de Colonia en 2014 y contrastadas con
certámenes anteriores de esta misma feria, así como el contraste observado en
la feria del Juguete de Nuremberg.
Este trabajo lo venimos haciendo en los últimos 20 años visitando las ferias europeas y
americanas más importantes del eqjuipamiento infantil. Hemos pasado de realizar los informes de tendencias para empresas
e instituciones, a convertir estas observaciones en briefs de productos innovadores y a crear portales de tendencias como el de diseño de juguetes
Spora (www.sporatendencias.es).
Las tendencias
propuestas son la síntesis de la observación y el seguimiento a empresas e
iniciativas interesantes por los valores de
innovación que transmiten a través de la marca, el producto y los espacios.
El término común que las
agrupa es lo “Multi”, en el sentido más
amplio del prefijo y del requerimiento del consumidor de agrupar
tareas, funciones, gastos con la sencilla finalidad de simplificar la vida,
pero no por ello, de hacerla más gris,
sino al contrario, darle más color, mayor interés, más divertida y más
comprometida con valores sociales y
Las hemos agrupado en
cuatro vectores que se desarrollan con unas palabras clave y con unas empresas
de referencia de las
incluimos sus imágenes.
Incluimos también
algunas iniciativas que han sido muy visitadas y aceptadas tanto por los
expositores como por los visitantes como son
los premios de innovación, el área de pequeñas empresas Design Park y la exposición Future of Design Kids, en el cual tuvimos la
ocasión de participar. Ambas iniciativas fueron organizadas por la feria de Colonia en colaboración con la plataforma afilii. El motivo del
éxito de estas iniciativas es por la concentración de
creatividad e innovación en nuevos emprendedores que aportan una visión
refrescante al sector.
Design trends for kids 2014 is a summary of trends observed at the fair Kind+Jugend 2014 in Cologne contrasted with former fairs and Nuremberg toy Fair.
We are doing this activity since the last 20 years, visiting the most important fairs in Europe and America. We have skipped from doing the research report on trends to identify innovative briefs and create portal of design trends as the sporatrends (www.sporatrends.com).
The trends proposed are the synthesis of the observation and tracking of innovative companies and interesting iniatitives that transmit innovation values through its brand, product and spaces.
Te common term for all the trends would be "Multi", in its wider sense and in the wider understanding and requirements of the consumer by gathering functions, concentrating expenses, simplifyng our way of life, without making it more grey, but making it full of color, more interest, full of fun and commited with social and environmental values.
We have made groups in four vectors that are developed with key words mentioning companies of reference in that direction.
We include as well some initiatives very well accepted by exhibitors and visitors of the fair as the innovation awards, the area of small innovative companies called Design Park and the exhibition Future of design kids, in which we participated. Both initiatives were organized by the platform afilii. The reason of the success of those initiatives is because of the concentration of creativity and innovation of new entrepeneurs that contribute with a new refreshing vision of the sector.
Design trends for kids 2014 is a summary of trends observed at the fair Kind+Jugend 2014 in Cologne contrasted with former fairs and Nuremberg toy Fair.
We are doing this activity since the last 20 years, visiting the most important fairs in Europe and America. We have skipped from doing the research report on trends to identify innovative briefs and create portal of design trends as the sporatrends (www.sporatrends.com).
The trends proposed are the synthesis of the observation and tracking of innovative companies and interesting iniatitives that transmit innovation values through its brand, product and spaces.
Te common term for all the trends would be "Multi", in its wider sense and in the wider understanding and requirements of the consumer by gathering functions, concentrating expenses, simplifyng our way of life, without making it more grey, but making it full of color, more interest, full of fun and commited with social and environmental values.
We have made groups in four vectors that are developed with key words mentioning companies of reference in that direction.
We include as well some initiatives very well accepted by exhibitors and visitors of the fair as the innovation awards, the area of small innovative companies called Design Park and the exhibition Future of design kids, in which we participated. Both initiatives were organized by the platform afilii. The reason of the success of those initiatives is because of the concentration of creativity and innovation of new entrepeneurs that contribute with a new refreshing vision of the sector.
TENDENCIAS DISEÑO PARA NIÑOS 2014: Design trends for kids 2014
• Multicolor / Multicolour:
Contrastes, descontextualización. Contrasts, decontextualization.
• Multifunción / Multifunction:
Plegables, convertibles, transformables. Foldables, convertibles, transformers
• Multidesign / Multidesign:
• Multieco / Multieco:
Materiales reciclados y reciclables. Recycled and recycable materials.
A partir de este breve informe podemos hacer un informe adecuado a cada empresa y sacar briefs para nuevos productos. Si te interesa contacta con nosotros en info@innoarea.com.
Descárgate gratis el informe completo a partir del lunes 13 oct. en www.innoarea.com
From this short report we can develop a customized report for each company and obtain new briefs for new products. If you are interested contact us at info@innoarea.com
Download free the full report from monday 13th oct. at www.innoarea.com
A partir de este breve informe podemos hacer un informe adecuado a cada empresa y sacar briefs para nuevos productos. Si te interesa contacta con nosotros en info@innoarea.com.
Descárgate gratis el informe completo a partir del lunes 13 oct. en www.innoarea.com
From this short report we can develop a customized report for each company and obtain new briefs for new products. If you are interested contact us at info@innoarea.com
Download free the full report from monday 13th oct. at www.innoarea.com
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