Con ocasión de la feria Kind+Jugend celebrada en Colonia (Alemania) entre el 15 y el 18 de septiembre hemos podido ver algunas novedades interesantes.
Posiblemente, entre la multitud de carritos para bebés, el que llamaba la atención fué el merecido premio de innovación Origami de 4moms. Por fín un carrito que se pliega solo apretando un botón.
The fair Kind+Jugend has been celebrated in Cologne (Germany) from the 15th to the 18th september. Some interesting novelties has been seen. Probably among the hundreds of strolleys for babies should be mentioned the innovation awarded Origami made by 4moms. Finally a strolley that folds toghether with the push of a button.

Otro de los productos premiados con aire español, y que ya vimos en la feria de Nuremberg, es la silla-caja de resonancia de baff.
Another awarded product with spanish flavour, and that was already seen in Nuremberg Toy Fair, was the stool and a soundbox made by baff.

Personalmente uno de los productos más interesantes han sido los alemanes jäll&tofta y la cuna convertible rocky. De nuevo nos encontramos una pequeña y joven empresa en la que los diseñadores formados en la escuela de Postdam se editan sus propios productos.
Personaly, one of the products I like most was the convertible cradle rocky made by germans jäll&tofta. Once again we find a small and young company in which the designer trained in Postdam school of design edit their own products.
Buena representación española a través de ASEPRI
Una estrategia adecuada para promocionar la marca España de fabricantes de artículos de puericultura con un diseño potente del stand aportando una imagen de unidad, independientemente del stand que cada empresa tenía en los diferentes pabellones de la feria.
Good spanish representation through ASEPRI.
An adequate strategy to promote Spain brand of childhood products manufacturers with a powerful stand design bringing an image of unity, independent from each company stand in different pavillions along the fair.
Thumbs up for spanish design. Micuna presented the highchair OVO designed by CuldeSac bitting for avantgarde design. This project appears after two years of development. The result is on line with the sprout chairs presented by Mamas & Papas, and the silver awarded by IDSA, besides the Red Dot award, presented by OXO and designed by Smart Design.

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